Friday, March 29, 2013

Apple is going to loose in the desktop market

Why is it that a company that has set computing on its ear, appears to be falling behind in the area that made them famous - the personal computer. I do love the iMac. It is sleek, sexy, simple and elegant ... but one thing it is lacking where other computer makers have innovated - a touchscreen personal computer. How has Apple overlooked this? They created the desire for all things touchscreen. First with the iPhone and now with the iPad. Why not take this technology and apply it to a desktop iMac? Are they afraid of 'loosing' iPad marketshare?
       Apple is quickly missing out on this market segment. Several windows desktops have removed the desktop tower and copied the iMac all in one look ... but with one added benefit - touchscreen. Why hasn't Apple done this? Why didn't they do this FIRST? they were first with the first touchscreen phone? the first touchscreen tablet? why did they drop the ball on a touchscreen iMac?

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